Corporate Sponsors

Corporate Members Supporting Your Profession!

Funds received through the CSW Corporate Membership Program enable us to enhance services to our members while also providing important information and education to the general public on the vital role chiropractic plays in healthcare. This program allows corporations to learn the activities of CSW and work with the chiropractic profession. Learn more about CSW's Corporate Membership program here.

CSW gratefully acknowledges the companies in our Corporate Membership Program and their commitment to excellence in the chiropractic community. When you are searching for a company to meet your business needs, please consider supporting a company that supports your profession. 
Click here to learn more about our various levels of sponsorship

Gold Sponsors:

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 Silver Sponsors: 

 Bronze Sponsors: 

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Additional partnerships available. Click here for additional details. Contact the CSW office at 608-609-6383 or [email protected] to get involved.


CSW Disclaimer

The recommendation of any benefits, products, or services to our membership does not constitute a warrantee by the Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin. Each member must decide for himself or herself as to the value and benefit of any product purchased. The Chiropractic Society of Wisconsin is not liable for any defects or failure of any benefit, product, or service purchased by any member.